Úvod »Enkaustika»Európske vosky » Farebný vosk - biela


Farebný vosk - biela


Číslo produktu: 99535016
naša cena:
1,21 € (36,45 Sk) (Nie sme plátci DPH)

Farba základnej sady

Umelecké vosky sú vyrobené ako rozpustné farby. Vysokokvalitné prísady a dôkladná výroba umožnia, aby ste dosiahli ten najkrajší odtieň a farebné kombinácie pri vašej tvorbe. Farby sa dajú navzájom miešať a tak môžete získať takmer hociaký odtieň a to priamo na enkaustickom papieri (počas maľby).


o95biYaOoR7 [217.7.227.*]

09.04.2015 00:35


Inintllgeece and simplicity - easy to understand how you think.

16n6i0Th1 [89.31.57.*]

06.04.2015 16:26


Yeah, that's the tickte, sir or ma'am

fHjp6S0ePL2A [101.4.136.*]

05.04.2015 20:28


Grazi for manikg it nice and EZ.

OilEGMfvHDjs [187.49.137.*]

04.08.2012 22:36


I think it was Theodore Sturgeon who wrote that 90% of everything is crap. However, Daly semeed to want to apply that to only half the human race. I myself have days when I want to remove 90% of the world's population, but not having the knowledge to be absolutely sure which ones to keep, I don't send my thoughts in that direction much. Daly's blatant misandry was a reaction, however primitive, to millennia of officially sanctioned misogygny. She just laid it out the table a little more clearly. Various religious leaders, and their secular replacements, may have not called for a 90% genocide of women, but they spewed every other kind of viciousness. That someone like Daly ever got the spotlight, and kept it even after majorly jumping the shark, just shows how bad that situation was. But I get right tired of all this scapegoat stuff.